Lighten Up with Derick!
Schedule your workouts
When you are ready to make fitness a part of your life, put it on your schedule.
Mark your workouts in your calendar. Not just your sessions with your trainer, but time for yourself every day. Making a regular time to exercise is one way to carve your “me time” out of your already busy schedule.
Be flexible. For most people a weekend day will give you one day for starters. Then pick another day. Make a commitment to yourself to show up and do something. If you have to decide on the spur of the moment, you’ll never make exercise a routine.
After your workout, you can add to your calendar notation what you did and for how long. This may help motivate you to keep it up and to do more. Some online food tracking sites allow you to track your workouts. This can be a great motivator to keep you going.
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I’m Derick Rotunno and I would be happy to discuss how we can help you.